| Short Film | 10 Pages |
Chiquita has believed the stories her sister, Paola, tells her every night about being the top contender of an underground female fight club; but when Chiquita sneaks into the club against her big sister's wishes, the reality of Paola's situation comes head to head with Chiquita's dreams of heroics. Pao Pao Perilous, Paola's fight club persona, throws fights every night so she can get the money their family needs to survive. This newfound dishonesty and shame creates an irreparable chasm between the two girls.
| Short Film | 12 pages |
Based on the nursery rhyme of a similar name, Missy Muffet, a shy sweet girl, goes to her first wild party where a mysterious spider cupcake gives her quite a fright. In an attempt to impress her crush, Missy has eaten an edible. Surrounded by Halloween decorations, Missy's arachnophobia explodes into a full blown anxiety attack that will make her the laughing stock of the party.
| Short Film | 11 Pages |
After a year in self-imposed isolation, Delia gets a visit from her free-spirited sister, Clara. As is usual between them, Clara falls into the caretaker role despite being the youngest. However, unbeknownst to Delia, it is Clara who needs caring for this time around after becoming homeless due to an increasingly worrisome relationship with alcohol. Delia must put aside her agoraphobia and anthropophobia so that birds of a feather can flock together.
| Short Film | 20 Pages |
After losing touch over boy troubles, estranged friends, Claudia and Estefanía, find each other again at a class reunion. Thirty years later, life has passed them by without each other's support. Now, with the help of alcohol, they rekindle their friendship through shared disillusionment. Contempt toward their old friend who stole their mutual crush and best friend gets them talking, but the promise of a better life lived without resentment promises a new beginning moving forward instead of looking back.